For our Literacy we have been reading texts about the Kākāpō. Our focus has been on taking notes identifying key words and key phrases. We have used how to use the tool “Control+F” (or “Command+F” on a Mac) is the keyboard shortcut for the Find command.
For example if you were searching a site for information around the Kākāpō’s diet you could open a web page and seach using ‘control f’If the word diet is in the webpage you can click straight on it and read around this area.
Have you used this find function before?
Starlya is taking notes highlighting her key words and phrases. The class also brainstormed what we have found out about Kākāpō and we have recorded this on a document.
This is a screen shot of the notes we have collated as a class using key words and key phrases.
Do you have any informtion you could share with us on the Kākāpō?